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How to Overcome Fear of Failure

The fear of failure has killed more dreams than anything else. This fear, mostly made up in our minds, can stop us from even trying, which makes sure we don't succeed. Next time you feel fear of failure holding you back, think about this:

Failure is Temporary
Failure isn’t the end unless you give up. All the most successful people have faced lots of failure. They became successful because they didn’t quit. Failure is just a temporary setback and doesn’t mean anything because it doesn’t last forever.

Everyone Fails
You've failed many times and still made it through. Remember how many times you fell while learning to walk? Babies fail constantly. Successful people fail all the time too. It's a big part of how we learn. We see what didn’t work, make changes, and try again.

We Learn from Failure
You can learn something from every single one of your failures. Failure makes you more knowledgeable and capable. The more you fail, the stronger you become.

People Don't Really Care About Your Failures
A few people might see your failure, but they'll soon focus back on their own problems. There's no need to worry. Feel free to fail as much as you need. Fail enough, and you'll realize that no one important really cares.

Focus on Success
Instead of worrying about failing, think about what could go right. Get excited and positive about taking action. If you expect great things, you'll be motivated to try anything without worrying about failure.

Redirect Your Thoughts
Focus on what you're doing. If a negative result won't cause real harm, forget about it. Keep your mind on your actions or something positive. Worrying about failing will only hold you back.

What is the Cost of Doing Nothing?
Taking action might be a bit scary, but what happens if you do nothing? How will you feel if you never try? What if you're stuck in the same place for the next ten years? Taking a risk might be a lot better than staying where you are.

Imagine a Life Without Fear of Failure
What would you do if you weren't afraid of failing? Probably a lot more than you are now! How much has fear of failure held you back? We've all let this fear influence our choices, keeping us from trying new things or taking risks. Our lives are smaller because we're too worried about what others think. Letting go of the fear of failure is one of the best things you can do for your future!

Taking Action
You can start today. What have you been afraid to try that you can do today? List a few actions you can take right now to overcome your fear of failure. Each step, no matter how small, is a win over the fear that's holding you back.
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